About us

Inspired the unique style and energy of Phnom Penh and Berlin. We carefully select each item displayed in our Lingerie Store, and are always consist with quality and styles.

Come visit us and let your imagination run wild. Our variety of top-quality items suit a wide range of styles, sizes and price points. We aim to inspire our customers to be the best version of themselves and feel great, both inside and out.

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What is Trey?

Trey in khmer means fish (in Asian culture represent happiness and abundance)


‘Trey’ derives to ‘Srey’ in khmer translation as (female or women).


As fish symbol femininity, transformation, creativity and eternity.  Fish flows through water and water animal is linked to steadfast movement and independent. fish is no different and it symbolism is deeply connected to sacred feminine.

Our Story

Trey lingerie was found and design by Simmy Chhun 08.08.21 during global health pandemic, with long histories of experiences in fashion industrials in Germany and United kingdom.

During the time that she worked in 'Agent provocateur' UK's most desirable luxury lingerie brand. She inspired from the couple that came to the store how they profound each other through lingerie goods. It really amazed how powerful lingerie could be. its enable all the emotion and allow partners getting really closed and feel loved.

The beauty standard are haunted game for all women, often time women struggling with insecurities, body images, misguided about diets health and mental health. 

More than this she believes that it important as a designer we should come up with something not essentially beautiful but meaningful worth buying and transparency. 

That is why Trey lingerie was created for the purposed in targets:

'Women that decisive and dare to play with or without the rule, independent and feel confidence with her body types'. 


Her stories...Her Lingeries..

Lingeries are personal, we all have different ideas, love, passion therefore, We offer the customisation service where you can explore and bring your ideas of lingeries to life.

Trey lingerie 'Empowerment, Femininity Combined with Creativities, a full packaging with environmental friendly and good quality designs that good to your soul.'


 Our Mission

 We are speaking women language our mission is to bring the awareness, specific women health and promotes healthy lifestyles through our goods.

Not only that we empowered women but also to raise more awareness of women health.We are carefully selected material that are natural beneficial to health, our product are premium quality and mostly handmade, local, each dyed and cuttings are follow the sustainable approach.

We want to give straight forward information about how materials can effect your health since lingeries are closed to our skin.

For instance underwear are essential for everyday wear it is important to have premium quality product closed to you intimate areas.

 For that reason we avoid synthetic fibres we mainly used silk cottons, for underwear and pure organic cotton 100% for lining.

Our pattern design are professionally constructs according to ready-to-wear measurements.

Further beneficial to the society and your body, hence some of our profit will contribute to locals Cambodia who incapable and in need our help.

'We believes that good design should consist with transparency and honesty, also lingerie should make you feel positive with your body it should fit you not you fit the lingerie'.